I've never been a big fan of Valentine's Day. Probably because of the 22 years of V-Days I was single on until I met my husband. It is more fun since Eldest was born, but I'm still just a curmudgeon who can't stand the Hallmark's angle.
Eldest's birthday party was supposed to be last Sunday but he came down with a miserable fever on the day, and when I wondered out loud if we should cancel, he jumped on the opportunity. "Yes, let's not have it today." That's when I knew he was really unwell.
So we had it today. And as the last kid left, his dad mentioned that the kids' teacher had asked him to let us know that tomorrow is red, white and pink day for the Valentine's celebration. Oh yeah. At 4 pm on Sunday afternoon, I was reminded that we needed to give Valentines to 18 kids the next day. I had actually remembered earlier when I left for the grocery store, and I was really tempted to just buy some at the store. But I forgot when I was there.
So we didn't have much choice in the handmade department. I was thinking we'd cut heart shapes and glue them onto construction paper. But when I thought about how long the glue would take to dry and trying to get Eldest to write his name on every one AFTER that, I didn't think that would happen. Then inspiration struck. I could use a pen to draw heart shapes and write the recipient's name and Eldest could colour them in and sign his name. No glue drying time required.
I have to say, I'm pretty impressed. I think they look awesome, and Eldest did all his part in one sitting. Less than an hour, I'm guessing.
I did help him with some of the colouring in, because we didn't have time to take a break. I had a blast colouring outside the lines.
* * *
A similar incident happened last weekend, when we realized we were out of wrapping paper at about 10 pm Saturday night. I was nursing the baby, so my husband took care of business. He did such a delightful job, I never want to buy wrapping paper again.
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