Thursday, April 17, 2014

I made a bag!

This is from a couple of weeks ago. I just didn't quite finish it.

I'd love to say I've been busy with spring activities to explain the quiet around here. But I haven't. Largely thanks to the total lack of anything resembling spring-like weather. Instead, I've watched five and a half seasons of Gossip Girl. I keep telling myself that once I'm finished the series, life can go back to normal.

I've been getting restless to attempt sewing on my own sewing machine. I bought the old Singer machine two years ago for $40 from a local thrift store. A good friend who knows how to sew tried to help me figure it out back then but it was beyond her. I took it back to the thrift store and they said it worked fine and it was just threaded wrong. And ever since, it has stood on our hearth (preventing my youngest from climbing on the stone ledge and hopefully preventing injury), intimidating the hell out of me. I had lots of ideas for Christmas gifts in both the holiday seasons between then and now. But I just couldn't overcome the intimidation factor.

I invited my friend (the one who helped me make Youngest's new pants -- which he now loves, proclaiming them "not bumpy anymore!") with promises of my buckwheat sourdough pancakes yesterday morning. So she figured out my machine and declared it just fine. And today I made the Adventure Bag from Soulemama's The Rhythm of Family.


I'm especially proud of myself because I didn't have a pre-made strap, so I figured out how to make a strap. And it worked.


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